Courses to Help You Design, Develop, Deliver, & Evaluate Your Courses & Programs 

FREE eBook - Craftsmanship in the Course Creation Business

Get clarity on what YOUR business will be - the quality you will create!

Courses to help YOU get started as a Course Creator in the Creator Economy

Must Haves: The SUPER 6 Essential Skills for Online Course Creators

Craftsmanship – Is that what you strive for?    

$17.00 USD

Slay Imposter Syndrome - Master Your Topic!

Why master your topic? Because you want to stand out - be the expert - feel confident - and be the one who serves your customer learner at the highest level!  


Launch Your Digital Success: A Beginner’s Guide to Course Creation and Influence

Get clarity on the business of Course Creation!

$47.00 USD

Tethered What's Holding You Back? Strategies for Women to Overcome

It’s just 3 strings – strings others tie, strings of our own making.

$9.99 USD

Michele has worked in several countries - from Papua New Guinea and  Indonesia, to Haiti - to Mongolia - developing courses & programs and educating to help others. She has been interviewed by NBC, ABC, CNN, Public Radio, and served on a consultancy for the WHO Western Pacific Region - as well as working with the Pan American Health Organization to facilitate the first International Symposium on Nursing Education in Haiti.

Her purpose has always been to help others live longer better lives through education.


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